In 1993, the body of a 4-year-old boy was found in a sleepy town. Detectives and residents believed the killer to be someone outside of the community. But as the investigation continues, a killer comes into focus. And it's surprising on all fronts. Join Olivia Cornu and John Conner as we dive deep into the dark to discuss the murder of Derrick Robies. Will this case be enough to make you check the locks?
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This episode of Check the Locks is dedicated, with love, to the memory of our friend Mathew Scott Halliday.
A Big-City Horror in a Small Town - The New York Times
When the Face of Evil Is 13: A Small Town's Pain - The New York Times
Grief Over a Dead Child, and Over the Child Accused - The New York Times
14-Year-Old Convicted in Murder of Preschooler in Upstate Town - The New York Times
Child killer Eric Smith and victim Derrick Robie: What to know
Eric Smith: Gambling on a Killer | Full Episode
People v. Smith, 217 A.D.2d 221 | Casetext Search + Citator
Freckle-faced killer Eric Smith, freed on parole at 42, says he's engaged - CBS News