Between the 1930s and 1951, a young African-American couple in Florida fought for equality. They rallied people to vote and fought loudly against injustice. But sadly, the couple made some deadly enemies. And tragedy would befall the family on Christmas day. Join Olivia Cornu and John Conner as they dive deep into the dark to discuss the murder of Harry and Harriette Moore. Will this case be enough to make you check the locks?
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This episode of Check the Locks is dedicated, with love, to the memory of our friend Mathew Scott Halliday.
The Forgotten Civil Rights Heroes: The Moore Couple | by Alexander Yung | Medium
Groveland Four, the Black men accused in a 1949 rape, get case dismissed
Dec. 25, 1951: Murder of Harriette and Harry Moore in Florida - Zinn Education Project
The Moores | MooreCulturalComplex